When I pull a project from Git repository, I run git status
to check the codes. And there are many files be modified as following:
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: src/module/cnn/model.bin
modified: src/ocl/libs/android_aarch64/
modified: src/ocl/libs/android_armv7/
modified: src/ocl/libs/android_aarch64/
I try to run git checkout
to restore these modifies, and it outputs:
Updated 18 paths from the index
Encountered 18 files that should have been pointers, but weren't:
modified: src/module/cnn/model.bin
modified: src/ocl/libs/android_aarch64/
modified: src/ocl/libs/android_armv7/
modified: src/ocl/libs/android_aarch64/
Run the following command sequence:
git lfs uninstall
git reset --hard
git lfs install
git lfs pull
Then the problem solved.