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Qualcomm DSP signature

Sign using located in {HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT}/utils/scripts.

If you encounter the error SDK Environment not set up -> Please run setup_sdk_env script from SDK’s root directory, manually set the HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT environment variable. export HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT='Your DSP tool chain root directory'

Two signature methods

Sign your phone

After signing, all unsigned dsp libraries can run on this phone.

./ sign

Automatically retrieve the device serial number, use it to generate a test signature, and push the test signature to the device.

./ sign -t 0x12345

Same as above, but generate a test signature using the provided serial number.

Sign DSP dynamic library

After signing, the library can run on all unsigned phones.

./ sign -i -o out_dir

Sign the DSP library ( and place the signed library in the out_dir folder.

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