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Ubuntu user related command

This article introduces the operations related to user manegement of linux system . Including adding users, deleting users, setting user passwords, home directories, default shell, etc.

Add a user

Add a user named as user_name.

sudo useradd user_name

Set user’s password

Set password for the user named as user_name.

sudo passwd user_name

Then, input new password for the user.

Delete a user

Delete the user named as user_name.

sudo userdel user_name

Force to delete the user named as user_name with the user data.

sudo userdel -f -d user_name

Modify a user

Change user‘s home directory.

sudo usermod -d new_home_path

Change user’s shell program.

sudo usermod -s path_to_the_shell

Deactivate a account.

sudo usermod -l user_name

Activate a account.

sudo usermod -u user_name

View user information

View user account information, such as belonging group, home directory, shell, etc.

sudo cat /etc/passwd

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